
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Me and The Red Cozy Couch

When I think about starting my own blog, I want it not only about books reviews but also as my "playground".
Means, I can "play" with anything that I want. It can be something that interested me or just my simply thought. short stories maybe? I don't want limit myself.

When I start the blog, I have zero information and 'skill' in blogging.
So, yes... It takes almost a week for me to learned about the tools, how to setting the layout and how to operates the tools.
And trust me, for a zero beginners like me who have no experience in designing layout etc, it's kinda confusing!

I spent almost everyday googled everything about 'how to start a blog' and all the 'what to do things'. I suddenly feels like a student again and doing research for school assignment! Lol.
Confusing, but it also fun too!

When I'm picturing how my blog will look like, I decided that I want mine to look "simply, elegant but cozy" ,  a place that make want to spent my day 'playing around' in it and feel free....

"Funzee's Playground" was the name that came first in my head as my blog name.
Cuz I want it to be my playground.
But then something flashing in my mind.

A cozy red couch surrounded by a lot of books.

So I named "Funzee's Cozy Couch", cuz I want to curled and spent my time reading in that couch

And after 5 days redesigned my blog layout and arrange all the icon button so that's all looks perfectly placed, I start to looking for my couch pictures collection from a folder that been buried almost two years somewhere in my PC with a big hope that one day I'll find a big red elegant cozy couch that I saw in my "visions" to put it in the header of my blog.
And then...I stumbled to the pictures that I want so badly for days.

A red elegant cozy couch!

And I'm totally speechless...
All this long I've been searching about that couch picture just to find that I actually already HAVE IT sitting on one of my folder, waiting to be found!! LOL!

When I finally put the picture in my blog, I can only say to myself...


This is exactly the layout design I saw when I start to thinking about making a blog weeks ago!
It's like everything already been 'there' for so long, waiting for me to grab it and start it!

So, yes....
I think it's really 'about a time'....
It seems The Universe "help" me.

Well, that's a little story about "Me, the red cozy couch, books and the playground".

Warm Regards,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Owww Fun, those couch really really cozy, great picture of your theme blog. I love it. And you did it, girl. Proud of you!

    1. Thank youuuu...

      Thanks for dropping by and thank you also for all the advice... *smooches*

    2. Did I text "those"???? Sorry for the typo :(

    3. Nah, Is okay...
      I didn't "see" that anyway.... ;)
